Friday, March 5, 2010

Global Dream

This is my entry for the 4x4Friday challenge which is celebrating International Women's Day (March 8th). Women naturally bring a sense of Grace and Community to the world which spans all nationalities and beliefs. If we embrace the feminine in all of us there would be greater peace and nuturing of our planet. Hopefully celebrating the essence of women on this day will bring us closer to a more compassionate and patient world. Let's walk lightly and with sensitivity .


  1. OMG this is very impressive.
    So wonderful design. Lokks great.

  2. This is really pretty. I made a journal page for International womens day but it's not 4 x 4.

  3. what a creative and impressive piece Lori!! love your use of colours in this piece!! it's awesome!!

  4. Your art and your sentiments, have once again blown me away. How true it is that we should all embrace our feminine side more. Nurture. Protect. Flourish.

  5. Magnificent art, Lori! Big Applause! LynnF

  6. This is really beautiful, in every sense. You never stay on the surface when you create, it's always something deeper. I love it :)

  7. Just stunning, both words and picture.

  8. What a lovely piece... the use of the map is wonderful...

  9. This is such an inspirational post, as well as a gorgeous piece of artwork. I must remember to celebrate International Women's Day on the 8th. Thanks for the heads up. I had no idea.

  10. Lori, this is so gorgeous. What you have written is so true and needs to be said over and over till the world hears the message. Beautiful tribute.

  11. Hey there Lori--great message along with your wonderful work of art--I so agree that women are the peacekeepers of the world. Enjoyed my visit to your blog today!

  12. Lori, I simply love love your art work... These piece is breathtaking!!!!
    Thank you for your encouraging comments.

  13. Lori- you are a global dreamer, thank you for another beautiful piece! And I see that you have been busy! Christen

  14. love this and your sahara one they are fabulous

  15. This is stunning!
    I LOVE it!

  16. Your words ring true, Lori. And your art is all shrine. Absolutely beautiful.
