There is a secret hour of the night
when the goddess rises in the moon,
the great queen of all humanity,
full of power and majesty.
She shines on us, and all of us
are enlivened by her. All of us:
animals, both wild and tame,
and plants and trees, and even
rocks and clouds and oceans,
for everything has its rhythm,
everything has its ebbs and flows.
Whether in the air, on earth, or
beneath the sea, everything is hers.
- Apuleius
This is a digital collage I made to honor Samhain (Halloween) - the night when the veil between the worlds is at it's thinnest and the gateway when the old year ( now fully harvested ) and the new, must begin. There is an eclipse as the goddess receives the moon's light and the candles are lit for those who have passed on. This is my entry for the Darkness Inspiration Challenge.