Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Smoke and Mirrors

Well after a lot of messing around this morning with Blogger and not being able to post or access through my old browser I hope this piece goes through.  A little steampunk fun with imagery from Graphics 45, Hollie and Beth at Deviant Scrap and Rosie Posey at Scrapbookgraphics.  I must say I don't like this new format and will have to continue to work and change my blog settings.  Ah- a little lesson in accepting change and patience!!


  1. Wow this is stunning.
    Brilliant piece Lori. I love them.

  2. Lori, love her! I love all the detail! Amazing!

  3. You made it this time but I am too frustrated with all these changes with the new format. Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  4. Yes, Blogger has been really challenging these days! I hope you figured it out.

    This is a wonderful steampunk piece! I love the illustration style and the bunnie (of course) and the tiny birds.

  5. Bonjour Lori !
    Vous avez eu quelques problèmes et je comprends que ça vous ennuie beaucoup , j'ai moi aussi depuis hier , des difficultés pour changer le look de mon blog ( je n'y suis pas parvenue!) et poster mes nouvelles images !
    le changement n'est jamais facile !! :-))

    Mais malgré tout , vous nous régalez avec votre nouvelle illustration du challenge ! Bonne idée d'y avoir inclu un petit brin de steampunk !
    Bravo !
    Amitiés mary.kg

  6. I love this ... I do so love this kind of art and am happy to see others are passionate about it also. I just can't find the time to check out all my blogs every day, so I'm taking the pressure off and checking twice a week. Otherwise it gets to be a chore instead of a treat.

    Happiness to all.

  7. ooh i totally love this one..she is fab..so is her hat( I want to wear that!)..and i love the flooring..i have always wanted diamond floors..one day! This was a truly dazzling piece..and i love different time portals...thankyou for this visual treat!!
