Queen of the angels, Queen of the May.
O Goddess we crown thee with blossoms today,
Queen of the angels, Queen of the May.
___ Celtic song of Beltane
This is my entry for the 4x4Friday challenge (Beltane/May Day). Beltane , a cross-quarter (half way between the Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice) sabbat represents the coming of summer- a bountiful time of fertility and growth. It is celebrated often by wearing a garland of flowers in the hair and dancing the Maypole with family and friends . This digital piece is composed of an image (e-vint.com) which I thought represented the feel and enchantment of this celebration, background layers from (scrapbookgraphics and Digital Whisper). Dragonflys from (Wikimedia). All images layered and artistic filters added in photoshop.